Using Essential oils for Autism is a growing new alternative that many people are willing to explore to assist where therapies and modern medicine fall short.
Children and adults alike that are on the autism spectrum must be willing and accepting of the use of Essential oils to maximize their benefit.
We have been using Essential oils for a year and a half and in my experience, it has been necessary to change up the essential oils that we are using to achieve continued desired result(s).
I have long felt, that the belief in and or faith of the potential effectiveness that an oil will work, is apart of the equation for desired results.
Trying your favorite brand of Essential oil (specific for ailment) + Faith in effectiveness (belief that it will work) = desired results.
Like most people on the spectrum, every oil should be considered on an individual basis. No two people on the spectrum are exactly alike, nor should they be treated as such.
When we were discovering the oils that could work for us, we depended a lot on what other people had used and what worked, or didn't work for them.
As I have branched out, I have become more willing to try new oils as I gain more knowledge in their potency and properties.
I try to change or just add at least one oil in my kids daily routine every three months or so. This helps me to understand how the oil works or sometimes doesn't work based on our "regular diet" oils. All with a desired result in mind through research and understanding in the Essential oil.
Recently, I felt strongly that my oldest needed Wintergreen. I struggled with this thought because I knew Wintergreen to be one for muscles, bones, pain and inflammation.
As I researched this Essential oil a little more, I discovered that Wintergreen when used aromatically influences, opens and increases awareness in the sensory system.
It was like a light bulb. I immediately added it to our next order.
I have only used it a couple of times, and none of them being with a diffuser yet, but by applying a drop or two on his wrists it allows him the ability to smell when he chooses.
When I was applying it to my son this morning, my daughter fell in love with the smell and asked for some as well. All of my children have a degree of Sensory Processing Disorder or Sensory Integration, so why not?
We had no meltdowns today. Pure luck? Maybe. But maybe not.
I will continue to use this, and I will be adding some to an inhaler for my son to take to school as well.
If the desired effects with his sensory system continue to be beneficial, we will definitely be keeping this in our arsenal.
My initial desired results are for my son to experience less irritability with sounds, and less need for auditory stimulation.
On a side note.. (but related) During my research on essential oils I learned that Inflammation is the root cause of chronic illness and diseases.
It has been recommended that everyone use peppermint oil or an Essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties every day to help reduce the inflammation associated with chronic illnesses.
Both Peppermint and Wintergreen are essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties but Wintergreen has a more pleasing (not as strong) aroma in my opinion.
Could it be possible to assist a person with an autism spectrum disorder, or sensory disorder diagnosis with an anti- inflammatory Essential Oil?
I am not a doctor or a scientist, but it couldn't hurt to try.
I do want to point out that people with epilepsy should NOT use this oil and anyone with a methyl Salicylate allergy should also avoid Wintergreen.
And just in case you were wondering...
our "regular diet" oils are:
Balance- for grounding mood.
Elevation- for emotional well being.
InTune- A Focus blend
Lavender- for bedtime (sleepy time)
Serenity - a calming blend (we use at the first signs of a meltdown or shutdown)
Wild Orange - for anxiety.