Monday, October 22, 2012

A daily dose

For the last five years, I have suffered from depression and Generalized Anxiety disorder with Panic Attacks.

I had  been on a couple of antidepressants with daily anti anxiety meds at one point. My weight went up and down like a merry go round and my self esteem shrunk from confident to recluse.

As a human being I felt worthless and small. As a mother I felt insecure and incapable. As a wife, I felt there was room for improvement.

I always felt there had to be something to help. My doctors would just increase my dosage. My therapist helped.... a little. I looked forward to my weekly Therapy sessions, but honestly it was more for me to vent and them to listen.

I exercised daily. Working myself up to a daily 3 mile run along the Mississippi River. It always felt great, and I am sure my depression was shrinking, but my Anxiety only grew bigger. Racing thoughts with infinite unavoidable doom around every corner, afraid to fall asleep, and fear of loss. My mental health was still hanging on a thin wire.

When the economy really tanked in 2008, we went unaffected. until 2009. I had felt lucky that our family had been able to hold on to employment a year longer than most in the Midwest. But when we fell, we fell HARD. My husband doing the only thing any man would to support his family, went to work for himself. We had good months and we had bad months. He had no choice but to travel for the next 9 months, until a solid offer for steady employment came from a client. My anxiety hit an all time high in these months. I was a single married mom to special needs children, struggling to make ends meet.

I look back and wonder how I survived. I must have a lot more will than I ever thought possible. Definitely angels were at my side.

We would go on to move 3 times across the country in just 12 months time. Having no more medical insurance, I was left without my antidepressants and anti- anxiety meds.
I tried my coping skills, but really I was good at smiling on the outside while crying and shrinking on the inside.

By the time we were introduced to essential oils, I had been off my meds for almost 2 years. I was excited at the benefits for my children, I wondered if something like that could help me.

In September, 2012, It had been 2 years with no meds. My anxiety hit another high, we moved one more time. 3000 miles across the country to be closer to family. My sister was a Consultant for an Essential Oil company and offered some relief for my anxiety. I was willing to try ANYTHING. I was crawling out of my skin and irritable beyond belief.

She gave me a sample and told me to apply it like perfume. On my wrists and just below my neck. Elevation. A mood enhancing oil blend. Either it was going to help, or it wasn't. Either way, I couldn't lose.

I was sold! within 10 minutes my anxiety was gone. GONE. That has never happened. Not even with my prescription strength meds. I felt happy the rest of the day, and made Elevation my thing. Never to leave my side, never to go without ever again. I still apply it like perfume every day, but I also add a drop to the palm of my hands so I can smell for an extra boost when I want.

I now have medical insurance for the first time in almost 3 years and I don't need an appointment for my mental health. If I have days where my anxiety pokes through, I just apply a little extra Elevation Blend.

My kids are enjoying a happier mommy and my weight for the first time in 5 years isn't all over the place. I'm down almost 2 sizes and I haven't changed any thing but the oil.

I have shared my experience with many people and each of them have since tried Elevation and are using oils for their own personal issues. I keep extra samples with me, as I feel most people are suffering quietly just I like I did.

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